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Imagining the Future

At Play in the Past, Present and Future
Library Binding ​ISBN: 9780766034365
Reading level: Grade K-3
One hundred years ago, children liked to play with balls and dolls; they enjoyed board games and skating. The toys and equipment have changed, but kids still enjoy those kinds of play. It's fun to imagine what toys and games might be like in the future! Uses vintage photographs and colorful, humorous drawings to stimulate young readers' imaginations and show change over time.

Community Helpers of the Past, Present, and Future
Library Binding ​ISBN: 9780766034358
Reading level: Grade K-3
Everyone knows that today's fire trucks have flashing lights and blaring sirens. In the early 1900s, horses pulled fire trucks. And in the future, firefighters might be robots! Author Linda Bozzo shows community helpers—doctors, police officers, librarians and more—contrasting the helpers of long ago with those of today showing change over time. Colorful, humorous drawings encourage readers to think about what community helpers of the future might be like.

Getting Around in the Past, Present, and Future
Library Binding ​ISBN: 9780766034372
Reading level: Grade K-3
Transportation has changed enormously in the last hundred years. Where people once rode in buggies, they might now drive cars, take buses, or even ride scooters. In the future, the changes might be even more exciting. Historical photographs paired with colorful, humorous drawings help young readers learn about change over time and encourage them to imagine the transportation of tomorrow.

Houses of the Past, Present, and Future
Library Binding ​ISBN: 9780766034334
Reading level: Grade K-3
One hundred years ago, people's houses looked very different from the way they do today. And we don't know how things will look in the future, but it's fun to imagine! Using vintage historical photographs and colorful, imaginative drawings, HOUSES OF THE PAST, PRESENT, AND FUTURE will help readers understand history, change over time, and think about what's to come.

Schools of the Past, Present, and Future
Library Binding ​ISBN: 9780766034341
Reading level: Grade K-3
One hundred years ago, some kids traveled to school on horseback. One hundred years from today, they may get there in buses that fly! Author Linda Bozzo shows young readers how the schools of the past looked and encourages them to think about change over time and what schools may be like in the future. Uses vintage historical photos and colorful, humorous drawings to encourage young imaginations!

Staying in Touch in the Past, Present, and Future
Library Binding ​ISBN: 9780766034389
Reading level: Grade K-3
Our ways of communicating have changed a lot over the last century. Early televisions and telephones look strange to us now. In another fifty years, who knows how we might stay in touch? Using vintage historical photographs and colorful, humorous drawings, STAYING IN TOUCH IN THE PAST, PRESENT, AND FUTURE helps readers understand the past, change over time, and stimulates their imagination about the future.
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